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성형외과학회 2016년 복부성형 논문 발표 조회수 : 4410
작성자 실루엣성형외과 작성일 2016-02-12

복부성형 후 흉터성형(문신 등)


Scar Revision after lipoabdominoplasty

Sang Yub Yoon

Silhouette Clinic CBBC (Center of Breast and Body Contouring)

Purpose of study: The popularity of Abdominoplasty appears to be increasing. Lipoabdominoplasty (Abdominoplasty combined with lipoplasty with limited central panniculus undermining) has several advantages which minimize the complications. I report the experience of lipoabdominoplasty for focusing the scar revision.

Subjects and Methodology; From May 2007 to January 2015, 300 patients have got the lipoabdominoplasty (3 patients lipominiabdominoplasty) and resulted in high satisfaction rates without significant complication, such as, untreatable seroma, full-thickness flap necrosis, pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis. But 43.3% (n = 130) patients got scar revision because of wide, noticeable, hypertrophic, and asymmetric scars (Fig. 1 and 2). Some patients got tattoo for camouflage the scars (Fig. 3 and 4).

Results; I observed good results and high patient satisfaction with respect to abdominal profile appearance. Overall, patients were able to return to their routine activities approximately 2 weeks postoperatively. I also found a low complication rate among patients who underwent lipoabdominoplasty. Epidermolysis was observed in 2% of cases and hematoma 0.3%. But scar revision is relatively common. So, I explain the patient that scar revision is not a complication. 

Conclusion; This lipoabdominoplasty help to reduce surgical trauma and to preserve lymphatic and vessel system that are the main factor affecting complication formation. Some of the patients complain about the visible scars. So, plastic surgeon should bear in mind that scar revision is normal process to improve the final result.



Fig. 1. (Above, left) Preoperative views of a 43-year-old woman with striae and wrinkles on the abdomen. (Above, right) Postoperative views 8 months after lipoabdominoplasty. Note; long, reddish, wide and visible scar. (Below, left & right) Postoperative views 4 years after lipoabdominoplasty.

fig 1 - lipoabd.JPG

Fig. 2. (Above, left) Preoperative views of a 37-year-old woman with striae, redundant skin and wrinkles on the abdomen. (Above, right) Postoperative views 6 months after lipoabdominoplasty. Note; asymmetric, brown, lifted and visible scar. (Below, left) scar revision design. (Below, right) Postoperative views 3 years after scar revision.

fig 2 -lipoabd.JPG

Fig. 3. Tattoo to camouflage the scars

fig 3 - lipoabd mosaic.jpg

Fig. 4. (Above, left) Preoperative views of a 41year-old woman with multiple striae on the abdomen. (Above, right) Postoperative views 2 weeks after scar revision and 7 months after initial lipoabdominoplasty. (Below, left & right) Postoperative views 4 months after scar revision. She got tattoo for camouflage the visible scar.

fig 4 - lipoabd mosaic.jpg

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lipoabd eposter mosaic.jpg

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